When cartridges ran low print quality would suffer. If unused for a while cartridges would dry out. Officers had to stock up on cartridges before their shifts. Reliance on inkjet technology brought its own problems. Exposed openings and exposed gears meant that small objects could fall into these, jamming the printer at best and at worst causing total inkjet failure and required replacement. The inkjet had many small and apparently brittle plastic parts that tended to fail under routine use in the police vehicles and in many cases when these parts failed the entire inkjet became inoperable. With the current inkjet model the department had deployed, accidental breakage was a major issue. The inkjet printers had presented a number of issues over time, some of which made them much more unreliable than originally expected.

The Winter Garden Police Department had been using inkjet printers in their vehicles for some time. A demo unit of the Brother™ PocketJet® 6 mobile thermal printer was provided to the department for evaluation that included the full-page thermal printer, a Brother mount that enclosed both the printer and paper, a vehicle power adapter, and Brother continuous-roll thermal paper. ORLANDO – The Winter Garden Police Department wanted to find a better and more reliable alternative to the mobile inkjet printers they had been deploying in their vehicles. PocketJet mobile thermal printers provide a better alternative to inkjets for the Winter Garden Police Department